Sunday, April 29, 2007

God works in Mysterious ways!

OK so I was just thinking how excited I was that Matu and Nicot are going to be brother and sister... I was talking to my mom last night about how exciting it was and then she asked why I felt such a tight bond with Matu and I said I felt like maybe it was because I had went and gave blood for her last summer when she got sick and I said I dont really know why for some reason we just bonded.... then I remember Nicot was in the hospital with her. He fortunatly didnt need a blood transfusion but after I thought about it I was kinda amazed (in a good way) by the fact that last summer they were both the ones to get sick and they were together in the hospital and all along God wanted them to be sibilings! YAY GOD!


Angela said...

That is so awesome the way God does that. What a neat story and pictures for Cathy to have. Your heart towards these kids is amazing. May God continue to bless you with wonderful moments.

Michelle said...

Anne, you are amazing!! The love you have for these kids is definitely God given. Thanks for being such a big part of their lives!!

angela said...

so true! wow, remember how great jutane was with them? remember how hard that time was! how great is our God!?!

Bethany's Adventure said...

This is Cathy -Matu and Nicot's mom. I had to use Bethany's sign on because it won't let me post on the blogs for some reason.

Anne, I am so glad that you are excited about Matu and Nicot being brother and sister. Thanks for the pictures. It is so nice to be able to gather information on them-I feel like I have already missed so much of their lives.

Love you, Cathy

Anne said...

O Cathy... I wish you knew how much I love your kids!! I am secertly jealous of you hehe! I always said if I was old enough to adopt those two would be the ones I want... praise God that they have such a WONDERFUL family!!!! I am so happy for them and for you and your family!!!