Saturday, February 24, 2007

Nata and Fritz!

Oh yes! Remember the Hair!!!!!


angela said...

i don't know if many people know that fritzson's hair looked like this when he came in. remember, it was hard to tell them apart! i thought cutting it was going to be an issue, but he really didn't care. and look at nata's smile. she was a doll right from the start!

Gail said...

Oh, I remember the hair well! I was so glad to see it cut off. He looks like a big boy, now!!

Kristina said...

Yes, I have to say I agree with Gail on the hair!

these two are like a breath of fresh sunshine. Especially when they smile!

Michelle said...

Yep, I remember the hair. It wasn't too bad when it was braided. I remember thinking they were twins. The haircut definitely helped clear that up.