Thursday, October 25, 2007

I MISS THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok so I am having one of those days... I miss the kids everyday... but some days are worse then others... and well today is one of them... I miss EVERYTHING about them..
Their smiles
Their character
Their love
Thier energy
And yes..... even their meltdowns!

I just miss them.


movement said...

oh, anne.. I miss them too..


angela said...

carsen and i passed out glow necklaces tonight! we had power, but they turned off the lights and kept it like that all night! it was so fun! now they're hung all over the room (on hooks from the ceiling, on the clotheslines) and the children are sleeping. it's quite a sight down there!

Hope and Rob said...

Anne, I'm sure they miss you too!! You are such a great, caring, stable figure to them, and so loving! We're praying for you!

Kathy Cassel said...

They look so sweet.